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BSCS Notes
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IT 1st Semester
IT 3rd Semester
Course Contents
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1st semester
1st semester timetable BSAI
1st semester timetable BSCS
1st semester timetable BSIT
2nd Semester
3rd Semester
4th Semester
5th Semester
6th Semester
7th Semester
Applications of Information and Communication Technology(ICT)
Applied Physics
BSAI Timetable
BSCS Notes
BSCS Timetables
BSIT Notes
BSIT TimeTable
Calculus & Analytical Geometry
Computer Org. & Assembly lang.
Course Contents
Data Structure And Algorithm
Database Systems
Differential Equations
Digital Image Processing
Discrete Structure
Discrete Structures Complete Notes
Financial Accounting
ICT Recommended Books
Information Security
Introduction to ICT
Introduction to Parallel and Distributed Computing
Islamic Studies/ Ethics
IT 1st Semester
IT 3rd Semester
Multivariate Calculus
Object Oriented Programming II
Operating System
Past Papers
Programming Fundamentals
Programming Fundamentals Lectures
Programming Fundamentals by Engr. Waseem Ullah Khan
Programming Fundamentals Labs
Proposed Study Plan for BS (CS & IT) Fall 2023 onward
Recommended Books for 1st semester
Software Engineering II
Software Engineering-I
Software Engineering-I
Artificial Intelligence course outline
Week No.01 Introduction to A.I, Scope, Natural intelligence vs. artifical intelligence, AI computing vs. traditional computing
Week No.02 Applications of AI, Expert system, Natural Language Processing(NLP), Computer vision, Robotics, neural network, virtual reality
Week No.03 Machine learning, course pre-requisigties, basics of machine learning, popular ML approches, supervised machine learning, unsupervised machine learning, semi-supervised ML.
Week No.04 Neural Network Definitions and Concepts 1
Week No.5-6 Robotics, Robotics And AI, Emergence, Reasons to use robots, Main Application Areas, Laws of Robotics,Types of Robots, Components of a typical Robot, Characteristics of robotics, Robot Sensors, Introduction to Robots Programming Languages
Week No.07 Natural Language Processing (NLP), Natural languages vs. computer languages, Natural language understanding (NLU), Natural language generation (NLG) ETC.
Week No.09 Agents and environments, Rationality, PEAS(Performance measure, Environment, Actuator, Sensors)
Solving Problems by Searching
Searching Algorithms
Informed Searching Strategies
Adversarial Search
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